First Visit and Patient Eligibility
The first phase involves an interview with the patient to assess any contraindications that might prevent their inclusion in the program.
Multi- Specialist Assessment
Before starting rehabilitation, a multi-specialist evaluation is essential to customize the Individual Rehabilitation Plan (PRI) and identify any contraindications. Specialist visits include Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Neurology, Cardiology, and can be complemented with Dermatology, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Urology, and laboratory tests. The first three sessions with the exoskeleton determine the capability for use. After the assessment, the rehabilitation cycle begins.
Rehabilitation Intervention
The rehabilitation cycle consists of approximately 26 sessions with a daily frequency (six days out of seven) for a total duration of four to five weeks and includes four hours of rehabilitative activities per day.
Final phase of treatment: the patient can be re-evaluated through a multi-specialist assessment, performing functional tests, and analyzing feedback related to the bioelectric signal.