
More than a rehabilitation

2WALK offers an innovative neuromotor rehabilitation model for the broadest recovery of motor functions.

The 2WALK Path: An Innovative
Rehabilitation Model

The 2WALK rehabilitation model is founded on the advanced application of HAL robotic technology, aiming to expedite the therapeutic process for patients with neuromotor deficits. Our commitment is focused on supporting individuals throughout their entire personal rehabilitation journey to achieve the highest level of functional independence.
We are driven by the desire to help people regain the highest levels of independence and autonomy possible for the improvement of their quality of life.

The Rehabilitation Pathway


First Visit and Patient Eligibility

The first phase involves an interview with the patient to assess any contraindications that might prevent their inclusion in the program.

Multi- Specialist Assessment

Before starting rehabilitation, a multi-specialist evaluation is essential to customize the Individual Rehabilitation Plan (PRI) and identify any contraindications. Specialist visits include Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Neurology, Cardiology, and can be complemented with Dermatology, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Urology, and laboratory tests. The first three sessions with the exoskeleton determine the capability for use. After the assessment, the rehabilitation cycle begins.

Rehabilitation Intervention

The rehabilitation cycle consists of approximately 26 sessions with a daily frequency (six days out of seven) for a total duration of four to five weeks and includes four hours of rehabilitative activities per day.


Final phase of treatment: the patient can be re-evaluated through a multi-specialist assessment, performing functional tests, and analyzing feedback related to the bioelectric signal.

The activities of the
rehabilitation model

The activities included in the advanced rehabilitation course are punctuated daily by:


1 hour of Neuromotor Training with HAL

The patient wears the HAL© exoskeleton, and the physiotherapist performs the treatment with the highest safety standards for the patient;

HAL© detects, amplifies, and translates bioelectrical signals to assist the patient’s voluntary movement and reinforce neuroplasticity;

Measurement of progress through tests and instrumental evaluations allows for an objective assessment of the therapeutic pathway.

1 hour of Physiotherapy/ Traditional Neuromotor Rehabilitation

The patient undergoes a neurorehabilitation pathway based on international protocols integrated with the robotic pathway. This integration of methodologies and specialized skills maximizes the patient’s hidden potentials.

neurofit per riabilitazione con esoscheletro

1 hour of Neurofit

The patient engages in a physical activity program aimed at improving the functional aspects of daily life through:

  • Enhancement of aerobic performance;
  • Muscle strengthening;
  • Recovery of stability and balance;

These activities take place in a gym equipped with state-of-the-art equipment.

1 hour of Neuropilates​

The patient has the opportunity to participate in neuropilates, the innovative rehabilitation concept developed in America that combines the principles of pilates with those of neurorehabilitation, also incorporating Reformer and Fuse Ladder equipment.

pilates per riabilitazione neuromotoria

Why choose 2WALK

Diagnostic Therapeutic Assistance Plan 

Every patient benefits from a presonalized Diagnostic Therapeutic Assistance Plan (PDTA)

Individual Rehabilitation Plan

Every PDTA is integrated with an Individual Rehabilitation Plan (PRI), ensuring a tailored treatment aimed at maximizing the recovery of motor functions.

A model that is suitable for various conditions

  • Complete and incomplete spinal cord injuries
  • Stroke
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Neuromuscular diseases
  • Multiple Sclerosis

Reception services

For the intensive residential programs, 2WALK offers a reception and support service for both the patient and those accompanying them throughout the journey.

Exclusive assistive robotic technologies

HAL is the assistive exoskeleton with the world’s most advanced technology, which enables it to “communicate” directly with the patient’s nervous system.

Multidisciplinary and multilingual team

2WALK ensures a team of specialists capable of providing comprehensive support to patients.

percorso riabilitativo

Take the first step towards a new beginning.

Fill out the questionnaire to get an initial assessment from our team.

Come visit us

The Second Walk program is available at

Centro Medico Spallanzani in Parma

in the heart of Emilia-Romagna, northern Italy. The city is strategically located in northern Italy, just an hour from Milan and well connected to major European destinations.


Phone: (+39)0521.713144

email: info@centrosangirolamo.it


New clinics soon to be available in other Italian cities
Let’s get in touch!

riabilitazione per lesioni da deficit neuromotorie

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