HAL stands at the pinnacle of exoskeletons worldwide. Its ability to interpret bioelectrical signals (BES), translating the user’s intention, not only stimulates neuroplasticity but also promotes a better recovery of independence.
The uniqueness of HAL lies in its advanced functioning as a walking assist exoskeleton. Beyond providing mobility support, HAL acts as an interactive interface establishing a direct dialogue with the patient’s nervous system.
This is achieved through the use of electrodes placed on the muscles to detect bioelectrical signals, thereby enabling people affected by stroke, incomplete spinal cord injuries, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis to recover their walking patterns.
The core of HAL’s effectiveness lies in its interaction with bioelectrical signals and its approach to neuroplasticity.
This support system for the Central Nervous System (CNS) leverages the brain’s ability to adapt and change over time, thus serving as an additional tool to facilitate the recovery of independence.
Before starting treatment with HAL, three preliminary sessions are conducted to assess suitability for treatment and define the goals of the rehabilitation path. The therapeutic protocol consists of 30 sessions.
HAL is an invention by Professor Sankai and was developed by Cyberdyne in Japan.
A medical device that, by reading bioelectrical signals, assists the movement of the lower limbs, enabling the user to stand, sit, and walk. The structure of the exoskeleton consists of a frame around the pelvis and another for the femoral, tibial, and foot sections, which can be adjusted by a healthcare professional based on the physical characteristics of the patient. The exoskeleton, therefore, thanks to the reading of bioelectrical signals collected from electrodes placed on the main muscle groups of the lower limbs,
processes them and, together with settings adjusted by the physiotherapist, enables the establishment of, with proper precautions and supports, a training program on standing posture and potential ambulation in various disability conditions resulting from spinal injuries, cerebrovascular events (stroke), neuromuscular diseases, and other neurological conditions.
A medical device applicable to both upper and lower limbs (elbow and knee) that, by reading bioelectrical signals generated by the patient’s flexor and extensor muscles, facilitates the recovery of voluntary movement in the joints to which it is applied. Hal Single Joint is easy to wear and supports the development of an effective treatment by allowing the visualization of the intensity of the bioelectrical signals, the number of exercises performed, and comparison with previous sessions. Thanks to the capabilities of the patient, the exoskeleton, and the specialized professional, this device can be used for various objectives:
A device that, by detecting the bioelectrical signals of the spinal erector muscles, is capable of supporting the extension movements of the spine and hips of the wearer (in a seated or standing position), thereby reducing lumbar load during repetitive motions or heavy work and facilitating these movements for the patient in all conditions that present a restriction.
A treadmill that, thanks to advanced interactive technology, goes beyond the classic treadmill function for step training to become a compact and complete motion analysis laboratory. The patient’s movement is thus supported through an adaptive function of the Walker and evaluated using the following components:
All of these features allow for the setting of a personalized rehabilitation program for the patient, providing feedback based on objective quantitative and qualitative parameters derived from the movement analysis. The physiotherapist can use this information to set the correct progression of the treatment. Moreover, the integration of the Walker View with the Smart Gravity system enables the treatment to be tailored even for more complex patients from a rehabilitative standpoint (neurological cases).
HAL© is the world’s only active exoskeleton that significantly improves the effectiveness of rehabilitation pathways for patients with neuromotor deficits.
Unlike traditional exoskeletons,it’s the person, not the robot, that leads the movement.
HAL does not passively produce the step but supports the patient in performing the movement, making it smooth and natural.
HAL is indicated for the following pathological conditions:
The technology of HAL is used within a comprehensive intensive rehabilitation program, where the fusion of various types of rehabilitation is essential to promote the improvement of the patient’s health conditions.
Fill out the questionnaire to get an initial assessment from our team.
The Second Walk program is available at
in the heart of Emilia-Romagna, northern Italy. The city is strategically located in northern Italy, just an hour from Milan and well connected to major European destinations.
Phone: (+39)0521.713144
email: info@centrosangirolamo.it