

Professional growth through knowledge: explore the latest discoveries in our collection of scientific publications.

Efficacy of exercise with the hybrid assistive limb lumbar type

effetti del percorso riabilitativo con hal evidenza scientifica

In-depth studies for stroke

articolo scientifico sull'esoscheletro hal

Insights into progressive neuromuscular diseases

articolo scientifico sulla riabilitazione con esoscheletro

In-depth studies for spinal cord injuries

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Fill out the questionnaire to get an initial assessment from our team.

Come visit us

The Second Walk program is available at

Centro Medico Spallanzani in Parma

in the heart of Emilia-Romagna, northern Italy. The city is strategically located in northern Italy, just an hour from Milan and well connected to major European destinations.



Phone: (+39)0521.713144

email: info@centrosangirolamo.it


New clinics soon to be available in other Italian cities
Let’s get in touch!

riabilitazione per lesioni da deficit neuromotorie

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